Motorola NNTN8748

Headphones for Bluetooth pod

White headphones for wireless push-to-talk pod. Also includes 3,5 mm adapter.

About Motorola NNTN8748

White headphones for connecting to wireless push-to-talk module (Bluetooth) Motorola NNTN8191. Includes adapter for conneting "consumer headphones" to Bluetooth pod.


Item number Supplier item number Description Description 2
05.Q2916B NNTN8748A Hörlurar vita med in-line mik. och 3.5 mm adapter
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Accessory for

  • Motorola NNTN8191

  • Motorola PMLN5712

  • Zonith BSA-93001

  • Motorola MTP3500/MTP3550

  • Motorola MTP8500Ex/MTP8550Ex

  • Motorola DP4400e/DP4401e

  • Motorola DP4600e/DP4601e

  • Motorola DP4800e/DP4801e

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  • Motorola DM4400e/DM4401e

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  • Motorola GMLN5503

  • Motorola PMLN7851

  • Ecom Smart-Ex® 02 Dz 1

  • Ecom Smart-Ex® 02 Dz 2

  • Motorola WM500

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  • Motorola ION

  • Motorola PMLN8123

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